Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pizza Friday...

After it was removed from the oven.
The final product. 

The average slice of pizza has over 250 calories and 10g of fat. On an average a slice of pizza using califlower pizza crust is between 52-84 calories and 0-4.3 grams of fat depending upon the cheese used. I would say it is well worth the try. 

Well, my favorite food is pizza. It is always my weakness when I am making this lifestyle change. I love pizza!! I cook everyday of the week, but never on Friday. In my house I declared Friday... Pizza Friday. We decide as a family where we are going to order from and after my POKER Tournament I pick up the pizza for the family. My favorites are Donatos and Cardo's, but my all time favorite is Padova's. If you have not already had it you should try it. This leads me to where I am now. I had to find a way to eat pizza without all the calories and fat. I finally found a way after searching the web. My answer was CAULIFLOWER CRUST PIZZA. You heard me... This way you can enjoy your favorite food guilt free. During the beginning of my process I will not have cheat days so I just made my cheat a little bit of fresh grated mozzarella cheese on my pizza. Below will be the link where you can find the recipe. In addition I will add my recipe for "homemade pizza sauce" and of course you just add what toppings you like. I actually did not make "pizza sauce" I just used my homemade pasta sauce, which was really good and also provides an extra helping of veggies. On top of my pizza I had mushrooms, spinach, and roma tomatos and it was to DIE FOR! Once you have perfected the pizza crust add in whatever ingredients you like; make it your own. THIS PIZZA WAS SOOOOO DELICIOUS. I will definitely be making it every Friday with different toppings. 

The pictures don't do enough justice. I definitely have to get a better camera. I love my iPhone, but this camera.. BLAH. LOL 

I hope you enjoy. #GSODT

Happy Health!! 

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