Monday, November 4, 2013

Let's Go!!!!

It's Monday and I am ready for another week of healthy eating and working out. I weighed myself yesterday and I am at 207.4. #theagony However, it will not be this way for long. My goal this week is to lose 5 pounds. I will be working out two times a day for the next five days. T25 in the morning, meeting with my trainer for two days, and the other three days attending a Zumba class. I know it may seem like a lot; however, I have to push myself if I want to see results. 

I will continue to eat healthy and find ways to create my favorite meals in a healthy way. I will be trying a few new recipes I have came up with this week. Feel free to try them with me. #GSODT

Leave a comment with whatever is on your mind. 

Happy Health!! 

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