Sunday, November 17, 2013

Motivation Monday...

Good Morning, People. It is Monday probably one of the most dreaded days of the week. For me it is now my favorite day of the week. Why, because Monday is the start of a new week it gives me the chance to start fresh again and try to be better than I was last week, exercise a little more than I did last week,  and eat a bit more healthy than I did the week before. Monday is new and fresh.

You may have had a pizza last week or only exercised 3 out of the 5 days you wanted to, well this is a new week where you and I both have the opportunity to reach the goals we have set for our self. Just think, you may not have ate perfect, but it was better than what you were doing before. Every step you take in the right direction gets you one step closer to your goal.  Do not harp on the small mistakes you feel like you made. That is all in the past now. It is a new week to start fresh and be better than you were last week. 

No one person is perfect; therefore, you will not be either. However, you still strive for excellence. Be consistent, set goals, and work hard to obtain those goals. You did not gain the weight overnight; therefore, the weight will not be lost overnight. Give it some time. Be consistent in your "diet" and exercise regiman and you will see results. Don't give up. We have all winter to lose weight and be sexy for Summer 2014. #GSODT

Tell yourself over and over again you can do this!!! 

Happy Health!! 

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