About Me

My name is Shannon Davis to many in the social networking world I am known as SDittle. I am 33 years old and have now made it my personal mission to be fit and healthy by any (healthy) means necessary. I am just trying to make exercising and eating healty a part of my everyday life and a total lifestyle change; by incorporating healthy alternatives daily.

"They" say it only takes 21 days to form a habit. So, what I am trying to do is form great habits that will help me lose weight, be healthy, and fit. I want exercising to become a part of my everyday routine. I want to cook meals that are not only healthy, but also taste good. No one can expect to eat healthy on a consistent basis if they do not like what they are eating. 

I am not a trainer, dietician, or anything of that nature. I am just a young woman who is determined to be fit and healthy. I have been down this road before; therefore, I know what I need to do to get there I just need to be consistent. 

Join me in my journey. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Please feel free to email me getskinnyordietrying70@gmail.com or submit a comment. #GSODT

Happy Health!! 

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