Wednesday, December 4, 2013

21 Day Health and Fitness Challenge...

The time is now. The end of the year is slowing approaching before you know it, it will be the year 2014. I know that January 1st  is when most people are set to start their weightloss journey; however, during my journey I have learned to live by the old saying "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Why wait until the first of the year to start working towards your goal? If you start today you can  have lost several pounds by January 1st, 2014.

I am challenging everyone to a 21 day challenge starting December 9, 2013 ending December 31, 2013. Let's finish this year out strong. No need to wait until the beginning of the year let's start now. 21 days of fitness and eating healthy. It is believed anything that is done consecutively and on a consistent basis for 21 days becomes a habit; therefore, let's make eating healthy and exercising a habit before the end of the year to start next year off right.

Let's take this challenge together and be ready for the continued journey in 2014. My goal for the challenge is to lose 15 pounds. If you are ready to take this challenge with me please submit your name, weight, and goal weight. For the individual that gets closet to their goal will win a prize.

For those of you who need a little assistance with a meal planning and/or prepartion, please let me know. The Nutrition Plan Questionniare is below. Once the information is received I will contact you regarding the information provided and you will receive a customized meal plan. Please copy and paste or click link below into browser.

Join me!! Please email information to


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