Thursday, December 5, 2013

It Is a Lifestyle Change...

Having been through this struggle before of trying to lose weight, be healthy and fit; I have tried it all. I have taken Adipex, tried the Lemonade Diet, Advocare 21 Day Challenge, Military Diet, etc. What all  three of these have in common is they are a quick fix or jump start, in my opinion. If that is what you are looking for that's cool. If you are looking for a lifestyle change you need more than that.  Don't get me wrong I am not knocking any of these; however, they did not work for me when it came to long term results. A few years ago I lost 53 pounds in a decent amount of time. That weight came off by exercising and eating a proper "diet." I taught myself healthy eating habits and had an exercise plan that was achievable on a daily basis. Life happens, no matter who you are or what you do and no one's life is perfect. I had a major event take place in my life, which caused me to quit all together no working out or eating healthy. I just went cold turkey. It was one of the worst mistakes I have ever made. Now, I am back and able to share what I know. It worked for me and it may work for you as well. If something major happens and you really are not able to workout or eat properly try at least to do one or the other don't give up on both.

While on this journey you have to make changes that you can live with for the rest of your life. Crash diets will not benefit you in the long run. Of course you may lose the weight quickly, but it was not done properly; therefore, it will eventually come back. Learning healthy habits is the best way to go for long term.

In my journey, I have learned there are 5 healthy habits that if you apply correctly you can be successful in your journey. Keep in mind this worked for me and hopefully it can work for you and if it doesn't find what does.

1. Meal planning and preparation.- This is #1!!! If you do not plan your meals and prepare them on a weekly basis you many catch yourself making unhealthy choices because they were convenient . Make a grocery list, go shopping on Sunday, and prepare your food for the entire week. And I mean everything. Have all your snacks on hand. Think about any appointments you may have for that week and prepare accordingly. If you know you are going out after work pack you dinner accordingly. Do not set yourself up for failure.

2. Pay attention to your body.- You know your body better than anyone else. Pay attention to your workout and how your body is responding. Make sure what you are doing is making positive results. However, you have to make sure you are doing what you  are suppose to be doing. You can't expect to lose 3 pounds in one week if you are not eating properly and exercising. You get what you put out. Keep that in mind as well.

3. No excuses.- We all have 24 hours in a day what you do with your time is your choice. It may not be best for you to work out after you get off work. You may be tired or have to cook dinner for your family. We have to make sacrifices. I am not a morning person; however, I feel it's best to work out in the morning. It wakes me up, sets the tone for my day, and I get it out the way early. There is always time to work out. If you have to be at work at 7 you may have to wake up a hour earlier than usual to workout. A gym is not always necessary. That was one of my #1 excuses; I can't make it to the gym. Working out does not always have to be formal or in a formal setting. You can dance to several of your favorite songs, buy a few $5 work out videos from Walmart, or the steps in your house. You can also go for a walk in your neighborhood. There are never any excuses when it comes to getting your workout in.

4. There is no such thing as cheating.- Please keep this in mind while making your lifestyle change "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CHEATING." This is a journey that you will embark on for the remainder of your life. I hear it all the time... I cheated on my diet, Sunday is my cheat day, I'm just going to eat whatever for dinner because I cheated at lunch. "Cheated" is such a bad word and should not be used when you are making a lifestyle change. Again, no one is perfect but we all can strive to be. If you have a hiccup just keep going and continue to make better choices. The fact will remain you are eating better than what you were before so keep striving to be better.

5. Be consistent.- Everything begins and ends with consistency. In order to see results and results that last you have to be consistent. You can't workout once a week for 2-3 weeks and only eat right some of time and expect to have lasting results. We all just want results that will last. Don't fall off just because you make one mistake keep pushing. Getting started is the hardest part, but once you do and become consistent the journey will become easier.

Here are a few tips to help in your journey. I am sure you already know most of the "tips" I will provide; however, it is always nice to have a little reminder. We are in this journey together. I will help by providing you with tips, I have learned along the way. It is time for a new body and new attitude. Now, is the time to get that new body for "2014." It is now or never.

1. Drink plenty of water.

2. When going to work or school park farther away from the door. The farther the walk the more calories you will burn.
3. Instead of taking the elevator take the steps. This will help you lift that saggy butt as well. 
4. When watching your favorite television show or movie do "jumping jacks" in between commericals. This will burn a few extra calories for sure. 
5. Take a Yoga class once a week to help with stress and anxiety, which can have negative impact during your journey. 

WE GOT THIS!! If you are not seeing the results you want instead of quitting take the time to reflect. Find out where you could possibly be slacking and step it up. We get what we put out. As the saying goes "GO HARD OR GO HOME."


Happy Health!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

21 Day Health and Fitness Challenge...

The time is now. The end of the year is slowing approaching before you know it, it will be the year 2014. I know that January 1st  is when most people are set to start their weightloss journey; however, during my journey I have learned to live by the old saying "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Why wait until the first of the year to start working towards your goal? If you start today you can  have lost several pounds by January 1st, 2014.

I am challenging everyone to a 21 day challenge starting December 9, 2013 ending December 31, 2013. Let's finish this year out strong. No need to wait until the beginning of the year let's start now. 21 days of fitness and eating healthy. It is believed anything that is done consecutively and on a consistent basis for 21 days becomes a habit; therefore, let's make eating healthy and exercising a habit before the end of the year to start next year off right.

Let's take this challenge together and be ready for the continued journey in 2014. My goal for the challenge is to lose 15 pounds. If you are ready to take this challenge with me please submit your name, weight, and goal weight. For the individual that gets closet to their goal will win a prize.

For those of you who need a little assistance with a meal planning and/or prepartion, please let me know. The Nutrition Plan Questionniare is below. Once the information is received I will contact you regarding the information provided and you will receive a customized meal plan. Please copy and paste or click link below into browser.

Join me!! Please email information to


Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Food Box Giveaway...

It is truly the season of giving. I am on a mission to get healthy, fit, and lose weight. There are some who do not even have a choice of what they will eat on a daily basis. This Thanksgiving I will be donating a Thanksgiving food box to a family or individual in need. If you or anyone you know is in need of a Thanksgiving food box please email me at Please include their full name, email address, family size, and why you feel this individual or family should receive a Thanksgiving food box. 

This is my first year; therefore, I will be only donating one food box. Hopefully, all goes well so that next year I will be able to help more families in need. 

Emails will be accepted starting today until 11/25. Let's help someone in need.  


Happy Health!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Motivation Monday...

Good Morning, People. It is Monday probably one of the most dreaded days of the week. For me it is now my favorite day of the week. Why, because Monday is the start of a new week it gives me the chance to start fresh again and try to be better than I was last week, exercise a little more than I did last week,  and eat a bit more healthy than I did the week before. Monday is new and fresh.

You may have had a pizza last week or only exercised 3 out of the 5 days you wanted to, well this is a new week where you and I both have the opportunity to reach the goals we have set for our self. Just think, you may not have ate perfect, but it was better than what you were doing before. Every step you take in the right direction gets you one step closer to your goal.  Do not harp on the small mistakes you feel like you made. That is all in the past now. It is a new week to start fresh and be better than you were last week. 

No one person is perfect; therefore, you will not be either. However, you still strive for excellence. Be consistent, set goals, and work hard to obtain those goals. You did not gain the weight overnight; therefore, the weight will not be lost overnight. Give it some time. Be consistent in your "diet" and exercise regiman and you will see results. Don't give up. We have all winter to lose weight and be sexy for Summer 2014. #GSODT

Tell yourself over and over again you can do this!!! 

Happy Health!! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Healthy Italian...

I absolutely love meals involving pasta. Chicken Parmesan is one of my favorite Italian dishes; however, pasta is not in my near future. So, I'm getting my fix another way... Spaghetti Squash. Yup, you read that right. It's so delicious with only a fraction of the calories and so much more flavor. It's only 41 calories per cup compared to 200 or more calories per cup of spaghetti noodles. 

This is my healthy version of Chicken Parmesan. Give it a try I'm sure you will love it. Wait for it... It's only 387 calories (not including cheese).


4 4 ounce boneless skinless chicken breast
1 spaghetti squash 
6 ounce container Greek yogurt 
1 egg
1 cup oats
1/2 cup bran flakes
2 TBL grated parmesan cheese
1 TBL chia seeds
1 1/2 TSP oregano 
1 1/2 TSP basil 
1TBL of shredded or fresh mozzarella cheese (optional) 
parsley for garnish (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Poke holes in spaghetti squash. Place on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 1 hour to 1 and 15 minutes. Let cool for about 30 minutes. While the spaghetti squash is cooling prepare chicken. Clean chicken thoroughly, pat dry, and season both sides of chicken with salt in pepper. 

In a container mix 1 egg and Greek yogurt.

In a food processor or blender mix bran flakes and oats. Blend together until the mixture resembles a "breadcrumb like" texture. Pour mixture into another container add parmesan cheese, chia seeds, oregano, and basil. 

Coat chicken in yogurt and egg mixture and then coat chicken in the "breadcrumb" mixture. Place chicken on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick olive oil spray. Bake in oven for about 20-25 depending on the thickness of your chicken breast. 

While the chicken is cooking. Cut the spaghetti squash lengthwise scoop all the seeds out. Once this is done take your fork and "comb" out the "noodles." They will come out very easily. Season it with salt and pepper. *The picture below will give you an idea of what it should look like.
Spaghetti Squash...
After chicken is done. Put the desired amount of "noodles" on the plate. Place chicken on the noodles and top with the homemade pasta sauce (can be found under the "recipes" page). Add shredded or fresh mozzarella on top of the sauce and garnish with parsley.  
Enjoy!! #GSODT

If you have any questions regarding this recipe or others or just have something to say, please feel free to comment. 

Happy Health!!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Easy Breakfast to Go...

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, it's the most difficult to eat for most of us. The most easiest meal to skip. Breakfast is the body's fuel, it sets the tone for our body all day. This brings me to the recipe of The Omelet Muffin. These can be made in advance so in the you can just grab and go. 

I am always rushing in the morning between getting myself ready for school and work in addition to making sure my son is ready to catch his bus. These muffins will certainly come in handy.


1 1/2 cups of veggies (I used mushrooms, spinach tomatoes, and scallions.)
1 egg
1/2- 3/4 cup egg whites ( I used Egg Beaters Southwestern Style that are very flavorful.)
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese 
Pinch of salt 
Pinch of pepper 
*Season to your liking.*

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a muffin tin with non-stick spray. Chop veggies. Mix together egg and egg whites. Add veggies and to egg mixture. Stir together. Pour mixture into muffin pan.Top off with a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese. Bake for about 20  minutes. Check every few minutes after 15 minutes. 

These babies are about 45 calories each. 

This recipe yields 6 omelet muffins.

Happy Health!!! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Let's Go!!!!

It's Monday and I am ready for another week of healthy eating and working out. I weighed myself yesterday and I am at 207.4. #theagony However, it will not be this way for long. My goal this week is to lose 5 pounds. I will be working out two times a day for the next five days. T25 in the morning, meeting with my trainer for two days, and the other three days attending a Zumba class. I know it may seem like a lot; however, I have to push myself if I want to see results. 

I will continue to eat healthy and find ways to create my favorite meals in a healthy way. I will be trying a few new recipes I have came up with this week. Feel free to try them with me. #GSODT

Leave a comment with whatever is on your mind. 

Happy Health!!