Thursday, October 31, 2013

Throwback Thursday...

Today is Thursday and this picture will soon be a "Throwback Thursday" picture of me. I am currently 207.0 pounds and I'm only 5'2". It is very hard to believe that I let myself get this way from 143.0 pounds. I am saying good bye to this girl and this picture will be a "Throwback Thursday" and I will be ready for a "Transformation Tuesday." 

Happy Health!!! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This is Only the Beginning...

Hey, my name is Shannon to the social networking world it is SDittle. I am just your average chick that is tired of going down the path of losing weight. I have started this journey several times after gaining weight in 2009. In 2010, I lost 56 pounds and slowly, but surely I gained it back in 2011-2012. I just completely fell off the wagon. I refuse to go through this process again. So, I am writing this Blog to help myself and others stay on the track of losing weight. 

When I say "Get Skinny or Die Trying" it really just means get healthy and fit by any means necessary. I am not a nutritionist, a personal trainer, or anything of that nature. I just know what works for me and it may work for you as well. So, join me in my journey in #GSODT. Feel free to email me or comment if you would like recipes or questions about what to eat. I am not a professional I can just share with you what I have learned on my many journeys. 

Happy Health!!!